Stephen Hedges

Recipient of South Australia’s Award for Active Citizenship 2022

Stephen Hedges has become an acknowledged expert on the Little penguin colony on Granite Island. He has made an outstanding contribution to penguin research, first as a tour guide for more than 20 years, and then as a research assistant with Flinders University, and the BirdLab for 10 years.

His voluntary work and field trips assisting in the colony’s survival has not only added to an enhanced understanding of the factors affecting their decline by helping to collect crucial information, including sadly, keeping a detailed record of sea birds washed up along the south coast. He also formed a volunteer group of citizen scientists that visit the colony every night caring for the penguins and educating visitors. He is often called on to communicate the current science and stories to Local and State Governments, conservation groups, the media and his community, both young and old.

He became Senior Environmental Advisor to the company leading the Granite Island Causeway Project. He also worked for the City of Victor Harbor as an advisor and organizer of tours.

Stephen’s other environmental interests include setting up a self-sufficient rural property using permaculture principles, grows local plants, formed a biodiversity group, DEW Friend of Granite Island, a Fleurieu Marine Education presenter and regular on dolphin and whale watch trips. He has over time set up trails, parks and larger planting projects usually connected to the schools he taught at over 45 years.

Apart from his environmental side he is a presenter with RYDA, a national road safety program, a life member of Back Valley Tennis Club, long term volunteer at WOMAD and is in a BUSH BAND!!

Meet our Ambassadors

Dr Felicity-ann Lewis

Community Leader & 2014 SA Australian of the Year

A dedicated, dynamic leader, Dr Felicity-ann Lewis is passionate about creating a better, healthier, more inclusive Australia

Chris Schacht

Former Senator & President of Volleyball Australia

Chris is a former President of the Australian Volleyball Federation and an elected representative to the Legal Commission of the “Federation Internationale de Volleyball”. He is also a board member of numerous worthwhile organisations.
Professor Jennifer McKay AM

Professor Jennifer McKay AM

Professor - Business, Law and Environment

Professor Jennifer McKay AM is an academic lawyer with a passion for research to celebrate some but reform other laws to achieve a sound and clean environment for future generations.
Professor Rob Morrison OAM

Professor Rob Morrison OAM

Scientist, former host of The Curiosity Show, SA State Recipient Senior Australia of the Year 2008

Rob has had a dual career as academic and science broadcaster and writer. He is currently a Professorial Fellow at Flinders University. He has written more 40 books and co-written 13 more on science and natural history.
Anthony Hart

Anthony Hart

Mental Health Advocate & Nominee South Australian Local Hero 2022

In November 2003, Anthony Hart made a significant attempt on his life. Through a remarkable stroke of luck, he clung onto life and survived. Since then, Anthony has been on a mission to empower men to identify and address challenges before they escalate into serious mental health issues.

Ingrid Kennerley

Mental Health Advocate & 2019 South Australia Citizen of the Year

After her husband’s suicide, Ingrid displayed incredible strength and resilience, guiding her children through the tragedy, and maintaining her volunteering and support roles that are so vital to small communities.