Alexandra Seal

Young Citizen of the Year 2024

Alexandra is a dedicated and passionate advocate for social justice, community service and environmental sustainability, demonstrating active citizenship and enhancement of community life through various platforms, both within and without her school. Alexandra is filled with a great passion and drive for social and environmental change, and feels it is her life’s purpose to leave this world a better place.

Actively engaged in volunteering within her school, Alexandra is a leader within various justice groups and has been involved in advocacy and fundraising for several years such as taking part in tree planting in Victoria Park and implementing recycling programs. Using her creative skills, Alexandra created a compelling video advocating for girls’ rights as part of the Mind the Gap movement for UN Women.

Through her involvement with the Governor’s Leadership Foundation, Alexandra engaged with elderly aged care residents and creating resources to guide nursing homes in fostering intergenerational connections. A participant in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, she has been the recipient of the Steele and Cooper Award and the Premier’s ANZAC Spirit Prize. Most recently, Alexandra was awarded South Australian Young Citizen of the Year 2024 at 17 years of age.

Alexandra works tirelessly to give a voice to the voiceless through her business Six Spaces which she started at 14 years old. Advocating and raising awareness for different social causes to help the disadvantaged in the local community, Alexandra donates her own time, money, and resources to charities like Families4Families who assist those suffering from an Acquired Brain Injury (ABI).  Showcasing her commitment to Families4Families, Alexandra also created a short film series interviewing survivors and family members about their experiences. The film is used by Families4Families to educate and inform others about ABI and support the families of those impacted.

Alexandra seeks only to help others and the environment, raising awareness and starting conversations.

Meet our Ambassadors

Chris Schacht

Former Senator & President of Volleyball Australia

Chris is a former President of the Australian Volleyball Federation and an elected representative to the Legal Commission of the “Federation Internationale de Volleyball”. He is also a board member of numerous worthwhile organisations.
Professor Jennifer McKay AM

Professor Jennifer McKay AM

Professor - Business, Law and Environment

Professor Jennifer McKay AM is an academic lawyer with a passion for research to celebrate some but reform other laws to achieve a sound and clean environment for future generations.
Professor Rob Morrison OAM

Professor Rob Morrison OAM

Scientist, former host of The Curiosity Show, SA State Recipient Senior Australia of the Year 2008

Rob has had a dual career as academic and science broadcaster and writer. He is currently a Professorial Fellow at Flinders University. He has written more 40 books and co-written 13 more on science and natural history.
Anthony Hart

Anthony Hart

Mental Health Advocate & Nominee South Australian Local Hero 2022

In November 2003, Anthony Hart made a significant attempt on his life. Through a remarkable stroke of luck, he clung onto life and survived. Since then, Anthony has been on a mission to empower men to identify and address challenges before they escalate into serious mental health issues.

Ingrid Kennerley

Mental Health Advocate & 2019 South Australia Citizen of the Year

After her husband’s suicide, Ingrid displayed incredible strength and resilience, guiding her children through the tragedy, and maintaining her volunteering and support roles that are so vital to small communities.
Bill Denny AM BM

Bill Denny AM BM

Veteran, Community Advocate & SA Nominee Senior Australian of the Year 2022

Bill’s deep and long-standing commitment to the ex-service community has been demonstrated through his role as Chair of the RSL ANZAC Day Committee, Chair of the ANZAC Day Commemoration Council and as founder of the ANZAC Eve Youth Vigil.